HotDog Professional 5.5
Created for Professional Webmasters, the HotDog Professional 5.5 Webmaster Suite delivers the most comprehensive combination of Web development tools ever. Boasting major enhancements in power, flexibility and functionality, the upgrade includes a revamped shell, more customizability, better internet connectivity, extensive Web site management facilities and major performance improvements.
Twice as fast to load and three times quicker to open documents than HotDog 4
- Super charged HTML Editor engine and Web site management facilities
- Includes total solutions for Dynamic HTML, site management, reporting, image manipulation and a large selection of SuperToolz plug-in component functionality
Basic Editor Functions
- Supports proportional fonts and full color customization
- Supports multi-byte and multi-lingual character sets
- Customizable Syntax Highlighting
- Customizable Tag Highlighting
- Error Highlighting
- Correct line number Word-wrap
- Hidden characters
- Overtype mode
- Ability to save as Windows, Macintosh or UNIX file formats
Advanced Editor Functions
Split-view Editing
- In ROVER view edit Web pages and watch changes appear on the fly
- Browse the Web in the on-the-fly preview window, download any remote page being viewed and open the source in a new editor document
- Use rulers to set widths to target browser resolution
- Complete control over code û create Web pages for all browsers
- Allows site authors to work in an unrestricted environment without restrictions imposed by product developers
- No proprietary formats û just regular files presented in a way that is easy to use and understand
Choose the Code to Create
- Tags Filter, Syntax checking based upon user-specified browser support
- Create custom tag libraries
Customizable Interface
- Detailed Preferences allow the program to behave to suit the individual
- Drag and Drop Resource Panels
- Customizable Toolbars
- Customizable shortcut keys for all Tags and Macros
Advanced HTML Properties
Multi-document and Multi-user Web Site Management
- Any file structure, on any computer can be defined as a HotDog WebSite
- HotDog WebSites support multi-user editing environments with file-locking and Groupware Tasking and Notes
- Enjoy site-wide file checking, editing and replacing functions without the need for specialized Web servers or proprietary formats
- HotDog Professional 5 Webmaster Suite is jam packed with more functionality than any other editor on the market
- Even old hands find cool new things every day
- Every problem that professional Webmasters face, HotDog has an answer
All the Essential Functions Needed in an HTML Editor
- Intelligent helpful interfaces to everyday HTML editor functions
- Wizards for laborious tasks
- Resource Panels contain pockets of functionality to aid with every task that a Webmaster faces as they create, edit, maintain and manage their Web sites
Best-of-breed Partner Applications
- Interactor for HotDog puts Dynamic HTML at the WebmasterÆs fingertips. Create interactive multimedia for the Web with ease
- Linkbot for HotDog provides site reporting at its best û instantly find all of a siteÆs problems and weaknesses with suggested resolutions for those issues
- Paint Shop Pro for HotDog, the most popular image manipulation package in the world. Accomplish anything needed visually with this critically renowned package
- 12 free plug-in applications for all those specialty tasks that crop up û new additions to the SuperToolz line available regularly
- The AutoDownloader automatically informs, downloads and installs new plug-ins or updates
- Includes Smart Update facility to grab only the necessary files and Smart Resume if the download fails during installation
Interactor For HotDog
Interactor is an easy-to-use authoring tool that uses Dynamic HTML to make a WebmasterÆs site come alive with animation, sound, and interactivity. InteractorÆs features are listed below:
- Sprite. The Sprite Player automatically flips images based on time intervals or direction of movement
- Path. The Path Player moves images over Bezier curves including acceleration/deceleration and scaling
- Button. The Button Player handles image flipping on mouseover and mousedown events and can automatically synchronize properties of other players or post values to a server
- Text. The Text Player displays automatically anti-aliased text which can even be entered by the user using any image as an insertion cursor
- Box. The Box Player provides a simple box graphic with no download
- Score. The Score Player directs actions over a timeline including the ability to synchronize with other players and be embedded within other scores
- Sound. The Sound Player plays .WAV and .AU files and loops them for bandwidth-saving effects
- Awesome Capabilities. Data from Players can be posted to servers to create rich interactive forms. Drag and Drop applications can be made with the draggable properties of visible objects. Players can be loaded with data at runtime in response to user actions or over time. The contents of text fields, pictures, and sublets can be scrolled
Linkbot For HotDog
Linkbot is an award winning suite of site management utilities which allow Web authors to test, maintain and organize their sites more effectively and with less fuss. Locate broken links, visualize site structure, isolate bottlenecks and schedule analyses to automate routine maintenance. Linkbot contains all the tools Webmasters need to automate site management and maintain error-free sites.
- Find and repair dead links. Improve the quality of a site by cleaning up bugs
- Find unused orphan files. Recover disk space by cleaning server of files that are no longer linked to
- Find stale content. Identify pages that have not been updated recently and may not be accurate any longer
- Locate slow pages. Ensure that users with slow connections can access content quickly
Find and Repair Dead Links
- Find pages missing titles. Pages without titles will not display correctly in browsers and search engine query results, thus itÆs essential that theyÆre tracked down and corrected
- Support for work groups. Produce separate reports for subsections of the site belonging to a specific author
- Interactive site mapping. Explore the structure and organization of a site in Linkbot's Windows Explorer-style interface
- HTML Reports. Automatically generate HTML reports detailing the sites major problem areas
- Multi-task scanning. Scan large sites quickly by processing up to 30 URLs at a time
- Automated scheduling. Schedule Linkbot to scan the site a regular intervals and to automatically generate HTML reports
Paint Shop Pro For HotDog
Paint Shop Pro is a full featured graphics program for image creation, viewing, and manipulation. Paint Shop Pro provides a rich and extensive set of tools for photo retouching, painting, and image and color enhancement in graphic design applications of all kinds. Paint Shop Pro has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface to make it quicker and easier than ever to create and edit images and photos for presentation and Web graphics.
- Photo Retouching. All the power necessary to enhance existing images. Use the clone brush for quick and easy duplication of image areas, even from one image to another! The retouching tool allows easy alteration of images
- Color Adjustments. Paint Shop Pro allows every aspect of an imageÆs color levels to be adjusted. Palette editing and direct palette mapping make global color changes to multiple images. Equalize and stretch an imageÆs RGB and luminance values with powerful histogram functions; view the results in an enhanced histogram window!
- Image Enhancements. Easily flip, mirror, rotate and crop graphics, or even combine two images together with the powerful Image Arithmetic function. Paint Shop Pro includes 21 image filters and 11 deformations, and supports external plug-in filters such as KaiÆs Power Tools and Alien Skin Eye Candy. Even create individual custom filters!
Paint Shop Pro
- Web Graphics Support. Creating a graphic for the World Wide Web couldnÆt be any easier than with Paint Shop Pro. Simply create a graphic, then save it for World Wide Web use. Paint Shop Pro fully supports the Transparent GIF, Transparent PNG and Progressive JPEG file formats popularly used for web page development
- Image Viewing and Printing. View multiple images at the same time with Paint Shop ProÆs extensive viewing capabilities. Edit an image at the pixel level and also view changes at actual size! Maximize workspace with full-screen editing and preview modes. Paint Shop Pro fully supports any Windows-compatible printer
- Powerful Utilities. Paint Shop ProÆs thumbnail browser allows visual searching of directories for images û simply select the appropriate thumbnail to load an image for editing. A useful screen capturing function automatically opens screen captures as new images for easy editing
- File Format Support. Features support for over 40 file formats